Rede Globo is one of the largest media companies in the world, and produces around 2,400 hours of entertainment and 3,000 hours of journalism per year in Brazil. Through its network, the broadcaster covers 98.6% of Brazil's territory. Recognized for its production quality, the company has already been presented with 14 international Emmys.
Deliveries: Design Framework, Visual design screens for Mobile and Tablet (220 in total!), Design Specification, Prototypes on both devices, a high-fidelity prototype for the improved Player, a Concept Design for Connected TV, User test analyses.
Globo asked us to design a fully integrated multi-screen enhanced TV experience, which includes catch-up content and live streams from the Globo TV channel. Comments, likes and sharing functionality should add to the social component. Fjord designed the mobile and tablet experience to be ready to go to market. For the connected TV, Fjord created a design concept to provide direction.
Agency: FJORD
Client: Globo TV (Concept Design)
Year: 2015
Service Design Director: Emiliano Chinchelli
Service Design Lead: Chris Lenz (Madrid)
Visual Designers: Manu Bueno (Madrid) and Luiz Soyer (São Paulo)
Ux Designers: Lena Hammes (Madrid) and Nathalia Ribeiro (São Paulo)
Project Manager: Elodie Rousselot (Madrid)
Coded Prototype: Jesus Estebán (Madrid)